Summer is in
full swing here at your church! Hard to
believe it’s almost mid-July! But here’s
what’s on tap:
Summer Sermon Series:
Best Places to Live in Burke. Come and tour the houses of Welcome, Prayer,
Generosity & Hope. Saturdays at 5,
Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30
Voices of Youth: Some of Virginia United Methodist’s best teenaged
singers. Support Tamara Zerbo and her
new friends, and welcome a wonderful hour of uplifting, enthusiastic
music. This Saturday at 5:00.
Church Picnic:
Our first in way-too-many years! Wear your Hawaiian shirt and bring some
picnic food to share. This Sunday, July
14, 12 – 3 pm, Burke Lake Park, Shelter C.
Youth Missions:
All the acronyms are scheduled and ready to go (or already gone): CCC, JP, CRH, and helpers at VBS. If you don’t know what they mean, ask one of
our youth. Remember to pray for our
young people in their acts of Christ-like service to others this summer.
Activities for Children:
Make-Something Mondays, Camp Mission Edge & Vacation Bible School
(both August 5-9), Summer Carnival (August 11).
Small Groups for Adults: Anointed,
Transformed, Redeemed; The Life You’ve Always Wanted; Divorce Care; The Voice
You Long to Hear; Single & Parenting; Men’s Spirituality. Information on all of these open groups is
available on our website www.burkeumc.org.
There’s a chair waiting for you!
I mentioned Sunday that it’s good to
be back after a Sunday at Annual Conference and a Sunday in Ireland. There’s no
place like home! You, Burke Church, are
a great blessing to our community and the wider world. Come and be a part of
the work we’re doing – and the fun we’re having.
PS – Congratulations to our organist Linda
Brese, who has earned Colleague Certification by the American Guild of
Organists. This higher-level certification recognizes her ability in a
variety of keyboard skills, organ repertoire, and vocal and choral
accompaniment. Congratulations, Linda! We’re blessed to have you here.