Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Guns & Jesus Part II

(This is a followup to my late December posting down below.  It was on Facebook in several places but was inadvertently omitted from this blog.              -- Larry) 
I confess.  I confess, as time has passed, that my earlier Tidings posting about Jesus and Guns was in some ways over the top – or painted with too broad a brush. Hyperbole has its place, but only for a time.  For me, I think it was a cry of outrage over what’s happening in this country now. 

But our critics often force us to re-think what we want to say more clearly. They also teach us.  I have been both encouraged and taught.  Thank you. And while I have no illusions that the world is eagerly waiting for more of Larry Buxton’s opinions, here is a brief and more nuanced credo-in-progress:
1.      I believe that one can be a Christian and use guns in wartime. 

2.      I believe that one can be a Christian and own guns for hunting and marksmanship.

3.      I believe that one can be a Christian and own a handgun for personal protection.

4.      I believe that one can be a Christian and a police officer.

5.      I believe that the arms our Founding Fathers intended in their amendment (e.g., a single shot flintlock powered by black powder) should be clearly legal constitutionally. Everything else is up for debate.

6.      I believe that not all gun-owners support the official position of the NRA.

7.      I believe that the “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” mantra is offensive.  Why don’t we say “Cars don’t kill people” or “Nuclear weapons don’t kill people” or “Drugs don’t kill people”? It’s elementary to acknowledge that an inert object can be safe.  But any number of inert things can become excessively deadly when used wrongly by people. That’s why we regulate them, restrict them, and act to restrain their use.

8.      I believe that the NRA’s position on guns, as articulated by Wayne LaPierre, is obscene.

9.      I believe there is no justification whatsoever for assault or semi-assault type weapons to be available to anyone off the battlefield.

10.  I believe that one thing that can stop a good person with a weapon is a bad person with a weapon. Weapons are not the solution.

11.  I believe that for our nation to survive the 21st Century, we must let go of some of our “rights.” Our responsibilities must trump our rights. The welfare of the nation must trump what’s good for me. Compromise is not a bad word. We’re all in this together.
12. I believe the truth of the story about the Boston cab driver who told his passenger that he was a Democrat. His daddy was a Democrat, all his uncles were Democrats, and all his brothers and sisters were Democrats too.  “So,” said the passenger, “I assume you’re voting for the Democrats this year?” “Heck no,” said the cabbie.  “Sometimes you’ve got to put aside your principles and do the right thing.”

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