Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mothers Work for Peace

Last week I mentioned that one of the most moving memories of my trip to Israel was our visit to Kfar Aza kibbutz.  Kfar Aza is a neighborhood of about 700 people just a few miles east of the Gaza strip. The residents live under the constant anxiety of bomb shells being lobbed in from Gaza.  When the public address system intones “Code Red, Code Red,” they have 12-15 seconds to find shelter.  Unsurprisingly it’s the younger residents who feel most helpless and angry. 

The mother who spoke with us said, “It’s just very hard to raise a 13-year old son.  It’s even harder to raise a 13-year old son without a heart full of hate.” 

Most of us aren’t living in situations that dire, but we parents often face similar challenges with our kids. It may be guiding them through the horrific news of bombs in Boston or kidnapping in Cleveland. It may be helping them survive the taunts of their peers, the fickleness of their friends, or the hurts of a broken heart.  

God bless you moms especially, those of you who know that faith in a loving God is so critical in challenges like this. God knows and loves your child, and nothing the world does or says has the ultimate power to define them. They are defined only by their infinite worth as God’s children. 

God has set in their hearts a life purpose to be discovered and gifts to be utilized. God helps us not to automatically return evil for evil; Jesus can free us from the cycle of violence and help us to forgive. The Body of Christ at its best shapes us as a loving community of grace, and teaches us how to show grace in a frightening world.

Mother’s Day has its roots in Julia Ward Howe’s attempt to establish a “Mother’s Day for Peace” in the years following the Civil War.  It took hold in the U.S. in the years leading up to World War I.  At the heart of Mother’s Day is the simple passion for peace.

I want to bless all of you mothers who work day by day for peace at home, peace at work, peace at school, and peace in the hearts of your children. There’s no task more important than raising children with hearts that can love.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Pastor Larry

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