Thursday, December 8, 2011


Dear Friend of Burke UMC,

Jesus was born homeless. Joseph and Mary were forced to look for temporary shelter as they arrived in Bethlehem; without it, they would have had to sleep outdoors. They were blessed to be offered find the most basic shelter - a cave, most likely - where Jesus was born. The Christmas story is a story of hospitality to the homeless.

Many people of our community would also be sleeping outside if it weren't for churches' hospitality to the homeless. Beginning this Sunday, we are embracing the Jesus story by offering shelter to those who're lacking it. The "Hypothermia Project" is our partnership with FACETS and Fairfax County to offer meals, friendship and warm cots to those who need temporary shelter.

This doesn't happen because "they" at the church have everything covered. It's not enough that somebody is taking care of it. Instead, we step out in faith, saying Yes well in advance and believing that you will say, "I'll help."

Now we need your help. Here are the vacancies that remain:
Help Needed:
6:30am-8:30am     Transportation Drivers and Bus Hosts
(Help needed each morning, Monday-Sunday)

4:30pm-6:30pm     Transportation Drivers and Bus Hosts
(Help needed each evening, Monday-Sunday)

4:30pm-7:30pm     Evening Set-Up Team
(Help needed Thursday and Saturday)

7:00pm-11:30pm   Late Night Team
(Help needed on Saturday evening)

11:00pm-4:30am   Overnight Team
(Help needed on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)

4:00am-7:30am      Overnight Team (2nd shift)
(Help needed every evening, Sunday-Saturday)

The "Transportation Drivers" and "OvernightTeams" have the most openings for volunteers.
Please stop by the large Hypothermia sign-up board in the entryarea to look for ways in which you might support this important ministry.  If you would like, you can reply to this e-mail and let us know where you might like to serve.

We most need you to greet our guests as they begin a new day; breakfast is provided, we just need you and your smile (see overnight Team #2). Thursday and Friday are critical days as well. Please check your calendar now and then contact the church office. You may very well meet the Holy Family here in our Fellowship Hall.

This Sunday afternoon at 4:00 is our "Blue Christmas" service for those whose holidays are touched with grief. Join us in the Reflection Room (enter through the sanctuary). You may also want to bring a small picture, ornament or memento of your loved one to decorate the Blue Christmas tree, or use one of our hand-cut angels. This service is co-sponsored by our Stephen Ministry.

Lastly, The Brethren will be here in concert Sunday evening at 7:30. This appearance by the renowned men's chorus will be one of the premier music events of our year. Not to be missed.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Larry


 Coming Up ...

LifeSign  Worship                     Saturday, 5:30 pm, Rev. Morgan Guyton preaching
Sunday Worship                        9:00 & 10:30 am, Rev. Larry Buxton preaching

Hypothermia Guests Arrive      Sunday, December 11-Saturday, December 17
Blue Christmas Service            Sunday, December 11, 4:00 pm.
The Brethren in Concert           Sunday, December 11, 7:30 pm.

Burke Family Christmas            Sunday, December 18, 6:00 pm.
Christmas Eve Services            4:00, 6:00, 8:00 and 10:00 pm.
Christmas Day Services            Sunday, December 25, 11:00 am only.

All for now. Burke UMC news can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, and our website - . May God bless you richly today.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Awe & Wonder

Dear Friend of Burke UMC,

I’ve often mentioned that I find experiences of awe and wonder in reading about the universe. The sheer immensity of God’s creation, the billions of galaxies all rotating and sliding, the mystery of black holes, the flexibility of time – it’s just jaw-dropping stuff.

“O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder consider all the worlds thy hands have made…” How great Thou Art indeed!

So now I’m reading something more down-to-earth.  Literally.  A Brief History of Mankind puts 150,000 years of human life on earth into a few hundred pages. Our origins continue to fascinate me.

While the universe is estimated to be 13.7 billion years old, planet earth is fairly young at 4.5 billion years. Even after its creation our planet was in existence over 500 million years before any life appeared on its surface.  It was not until between 3 and 4 million years ago – again, billions of years later – that upright-walking hominid animals began appearing, and still another million years (give or take) before more human-looking creatures appeared. 

The first creatures that scholars could reliably call human appeared only 150,000 years ago.  And even then, the oldest civilizations in general seem to be only about 6000 years old. We date Abraham around 2000 years before Christ, and we live 2000 years after Christ.

In other words, God is rather slow.  He has been in the creating business a Very. Long. Time.

Put those facts against these.  When we ask “What are human beings that you are mindful of them, and mortals that you care for them?” God tells us that we are “little less than God, and crowned … with glory and honor.”  (Psalm 8:4-5)

Jesus tells us that we are of the highest value to God: “Even the hairs of your head are all counted.  Do not be afraid.” (Luke 12:7)

God showed the greatest love possible for us – you and me! – in sending His only Son to be born for us, to live for our benefit, and to die for our salvation.  (John 3:16)

Reynolds Price summarizes the Christian message to say:  “The Maker of all things loves and wants me.”

Can you grasp this?  My mind boggles. My jaw still drops.

But now my heart soars.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Larry