Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thankful for Upcoming Renewal

Among the many things I am thankful for this season, I include our Administrative Board and Staff-Parish Relations Committee for their consistent support of my ministry here.

At my request, each group has approved a period of Renewal Leave for me in 2014 – from January 14 through April 5. This Leave, sometimes called sabbatical leave, is authorized by The Book of Discipline for long-serving clergy.  I am completing my 7th year here at Burke and my 36th year serving in the Virginia Conference. I’ve always wanted to stay fresh in ministry, and I find myself ready for an intentional period of replenishment and renewal.

There is no crisis driving this.  My personal hopes are to re-set my spiritual and physical disciplines, to travel some, to read more widely, and to gain a new perspective on my life and ministry.  Ronald Heifetz, in Leadership Without Easy Answers, talks about the need for us all to take “balcony time” – to leave the swirling dance floor and go to the balcony, where the patterns and directions of the dance are clearer.  When we’re ready, we can re-join the twirling and spinning with new energy and perspective.

While I’m on Renewal Leave, Rev. Judy Fender will serve as the church’s Executive Leader, making the daily decisions and committee oversight that affect the church as a whole.  Rev. Morgan Guyton will be the Pastoral Leader, being responsible for worship and congregational care details. Jan Williams will continue as our Administrative Leader, anchoring the office with continuity and professionalism. All other staff will be present as usual.

We also have an impressive schedule of preachers for those Sundays.  We will welcome the Revs. Steve Jones and Ed Pruitt, former pastors of BUMC; Rev. Ken Jackson, our District Superintendent; and Dr. Kendall Soulen, Professor of Systematic Theology at Wesley Seminary.  We are also blessed with strong preachers on our staff; you will hear from Morgan Guyton, Katie Webster, Judy Fender, Douggie Royer, Lauren Blitz, and Cheryl Guyton. Worship will be fresh and strong.

On Tuesday, January 14, twenty-six of us will fly to Israel for pilgrimage to the Holy Land. What a perfect way to begin this period of renewal! I will be absent from our return until Sunday, April 6, when I’ll celebrate the Lord’s Supper with you.  I’ll look forward to traveling through Holy Week and Easter – and beyond! – with you as well. 

I’m very grateful for my seasoned and creative colleagues here on the staff. They’ve promised not to upend everything in my absence (though I ‘m sure I heard some snickering!). They’ll help our church’s lay leadership to step forward in new ways too. 
So I hope this will be a period of renewal for all of us as we begin 2014 together.